Dallas Road Dawgs 20th Anniversary Poker Run

Longhorn Harley-Davidson 2830 W. I-20, Grand Prairie, TX, United States

                The Dallas Road Dawgs are celebrating their 20th anniversary with a Poker Run on Saturday, November 16, 2024. Registration begins at 9:15 AM at Longhorn Harley-Davidson. Kick stands up at 10 AM. Entry Fee: $10 Single Rider/ $15 Double Riders 1st stop: Longhorn Harley Davidson 2nd stop:

Hill Country Hangout

Kerrville-Schreiner Park 2385 Bandera Hwy, Kerrville, TX, United States

                The BMW MOA is getting together for the annual Hill Country Hangout on April 4-6 in Kerrville. The HCH is being held at the Kerrville-Schreiner Park. Please note, use the Hill Side entrance at the intersection of State Park Rd 19 and FM 173. DO NOT use
