Author: Charlie

For 10 years running, from 2002 through 2011 RIDE TEXAS® polled readers for the big, annual Best in Texas issue. The combined results of RT readers’ favorites are a on-cycle-pedia of the best motorcycle stuff, all across the state and a bit beyond.

Nothing strikes fear into the hearts and minds of motorcyclists quite like having an electrical failure while on the road. Fortunately, it’s a rare occurrence these days, but it does happen.

Modern bikes are wonders of electrical complexity. Electrical systems are well designed and failures are rare these days. But batteries are the one component that seem to defy evolution, having remained much the same as when first introduced – that is, until now.

Will you ever have a flat tire on the road?Probably. When will it happen? When you least expect it. When it does happen, you need a way to safely repair the tire and inflate it.

Roadside Strategies

It’s inevitable that at some point in your motorcycling career, you will find yourself standing on the roadside by your disabled machine. The question now becomes, “What are you gonna do about it?”